Our fillings

If the examination of your teeth reveals any cavities, "drilling" is probably inevitable. We understand that many patients are horrified by the mere thought of this procedure, but thanks to our modern methods of cavity preparation and local anesthesia, "drilling" ist practically painless!

If fillings are necessary, we discuss and evaluate the different filling materials and the cost with you so you can make a decision. Before starting the treatment you will get an estimate which you should hand in to your health insurance company in order to find out if or to what extent they cover the treatment.

Amalgam fillings

  • Amalgam fillings are the least complicated, cheapest and fastest fillings to provide. Therefore, they are the only fillings that are completely covered by public health insurances. Besides their relatively good stability, these fillings do also have some negative aspects.
  • There are still doubts about the safety of amalgam, which always contains mercury. Its safety is still questionable.
  • Its durability is inferior to other materials of higher quality. In the course of time, gaps can develop at the edges of fillings. This can promote a tendancy to new development of caries.
  • Amalgam fillings do not meet highest cosmetic standards. In the beginning, the material has a silver colour which can later change to grey or black and can even colour the tooth itself.
  • If you have problems or concerns with amalgam we will be pleased to offer replacement therapy.

Composite fillings

  • Composite fillings have aproximately the same durability as amalgam fillings.
  • Its appearance meets higher cosmetic standards and is very similar to the natural tooth. The colour of these fillings can easily be adjusted to the natural colour of the tooth.
  • Due to sophisticated adhesive etch and bonding techniques, bonding between tooth and filling material is better than with amalgam fillings. Furthermore, composite fillings are not under suspicion for causing allergies.

Gold inlays

  • Gold inlays are basically indestructible.
  • Teeth with extensive cavities can be well restored with these fillungs.
  • Both the production in our dental lab and the preparation of the tooth are highly complicated and time-comsuming.
  • The treatment usually requires two sessions - one to prepare the tooth and a second one to insert the inlay.
  • Gold inlays are visible.

Ceramic inlays

  • This is by far the best filling material
  • Ceramis have the same characteristics as the natural tooth.
  • Teeth with ceramic fillings are not sensitive to cold.
  • By bonding gold fillings with adhesive etch and bonding techniques, an inseparable bonding with the tooth is achieved.
  • From the aesthetic point of view, ceramic inlays cannot be distinguished from the natural tooth. The can be adapted perfectly to your teeth.
  • We have over 15 years of experience in providing our patients with ceramic inlays. We have never experienced any problems with them and their durability is superior to any other filling material.

Root canal treatment - Endodontics

  • Damage caused by caries that is so severe that it affects the nerve of the tooth usually leads to and infection and inflamation which, in most cases, is incurable. In this case, it is necessary to perform endodontic treatment. First of all, the damaged nerve is anaesthetised and removed. This procedure is completely pain-free. Following this, the root canals are enlarged and disinfected in several treatment sessions. In a final step, they are filled with a permanent filling material. Since the canals, especially those of molar teeth, usually possess many ramifications, this procedure requires superior surgical skills, excellent perception and patience of the dentist as well as high-quality devices and materials. In many cases, this skilled effort helps us to restore teeth that would otherwise have to be extracted.
  • After endodontic treatment, the tooth can become brittle. It is stabilized with pivots that are either inserted or bonded into the canals by using the adhesive etch and bonding techniques mentioned above. Afterwards, either exactly fitted ceramic inlays or crowns will be provided.


  • If the damage is so severe that a treatment with fillings is insufficient, we have the possibility to save the tooth with a crown. Crowns are also a good choice when it comes to significantly improving the esthetic appereance of a tooth. As with fillings, there are different types of crowns.
  • Gold crowns have the same charcteristics as gold inlays, but are not very attractive.
  • Metal-ceramic crowns can be fitted well into the natural tooth and are basically invisible.
  • Full ceramic crowns are the best choice when it comes to esthetic appereance and they posses the same excellent characteristics as ceramic inlays.
  • Veneers are bonded to damaged, discoloured or assymetric teeth by using the ashesive etch and bonding technique. They are thin ceramic facings, which can be attached to damaged, stained or dislocated teeth, thus assuring perfectcosmetic restoration. Veneers are a gentle technique in which we do not have to remove large parts of the tooth substance.

Cooperation with our dental technician

  • In order to achieve a result that meets the highest cosmetic standards, we cooperate closely with our dental technician. He makes your inlays to order in our in-office dental lab. We take fotos during treatment which he can base his work on. He is also pleased to come to our practice to meet with you so that he can comply with your wishes. This not only requires a great deal of craftsmanship, but also artistry and esthetic expertise.
  • his short overview does not come close to presenting all of the treatment possibilities we offer. We will be pleased to give you further information during a personal consultation.
last update 1631 days ago, 05/05/2020 - 16:57.
