Preventive Dentistry

If you are suffering from pain on your first visit to our practice, our main priority is to provide you with adequate pain relief. Afterwards, we will explicitly explain to you the results of our examination, and the status of your oral condition. We will also inform you about your possible dental deseases and what you can contribute to their successful treatment.

Furthermore, we will help you with the development and realization of a life-long strategy for preserving your teeth. It is important to know that most dental problems can be averted by a complete and accurate prevention.


  • Medical assessment of hard and soft plaques and documentation
  • Dyeing plaques in order to demonstrate problematic areas, if necessary
  • Detecting gingivitis
  • Sensitive areas - exposed tooth necks

Professional teeth cleaning

  • Professional teeth cleaning includes the removal of plaque and concrements (also from periodontal pockets) with ultrasound and handheld instruments
  • Cleaning and polishing enamel surfaces Teeth cleaning - Wikipedia

Air-Flow® - Air polishing

  • The air-powder polisher is a device for plaque and stain removal which propels sodium bicarbonate particles and water at high speed against the teeth in a regulated flow using air and water pressure. Also called airabrasive or airbrasive. We use the Air-Flow® technique to remove plaque caused by nicotine or other stains. The Air-Flow® enables us to gently clean areas that are usually difficult to reach.


Prophylaxis consultation

  • In this consultation, we explain the relationship between dental diseases and dental hygiene.
  • We design an individual oral hygine concept.
  • We instruct you in cleansing techniques.
  • We present our programs for individual prophylaxis.


  • If you decide to participate in our recall program, we will contact you on a regular basis in order to remind you when it is time to check on how our joint efforts are progressing.
  • When necessary, professional tooth cleaning will be performed during recall sessions.
  • If necessary, we will brush up your knowledge about what you can do to make your own prophylaxis a success.


  • No matter what complaints brought you to our practice, systematic prophylaxis will certainly have a positive influence.
  • It is never too late for prophylaxis.
last update 1764 days ago, 05/05/2020 - 16:57.
